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Thyme Essential Oil For Menstrual Cramps

Magical thyme essential oil for menstrual cramps as compared to other medicines. Some most significant research going on the topic of thyme the essential oil and its antiseptic properties. There are many products like mouth washers in the supermarkets which contain a little quantity of thyme oil.

Another aspect of this thyme essential oil is to use of reducing the pain in different parts of the body. That is the main reason, some traditional medicines contain this essential oil for pain-fighting medicines.

Thyme Essential Oil For Menstrual Cramps
Thyme Essential Oil For Menstrual Cramps

Thyme Essential Oil For Menstrual Cramps

Japanese’s Nara Women University published one research on thyme’s constituent which is carvacrol. This carvacrol prevents the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzymes in your body which cause the inflammatory process in the body. Hence in short the pain in your body will not arise in the future.

However, there are so many medical treatments is available to fight (COX-2) enzymes including NSAIDs. But these NSAIDs come with some side effects like digestive issues, cardiovascular health issues. While these thyme’s essential oil is far from any side effect.

Research On Thyme Oil For Pain-Killing:

The Babol University of Medical Sciences from Iran researches on thyme is just a perfect pain-killing herb. But this also performs well to provide relief in menstruation duration better than the ibuprofen. So going to use natural essential oil thyme is much safer than ibuprofen.

Sample of research purpose:

This research is based on those female students who are from 18 to 24 years old. Those students report having some pain during the menstruation period and facing primary dysmenorrhea as well.

Now discuss a little bit about primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea is considered the most painful cramping that might come with other health issues like backache, headache, nausea, etc. While the secondary dysmenorrhea directly signs menses pain that might have any hidden condition.

Here some research explains the comprehensive definition regarding primary dysmenorrhea that appears within 2 years when the first time menses start. And the period of the monthly cycle faces no pelvic pain in the body parts. This finding the realist because the first two years of menses in the younger females face many painful menses.

Main research parameters:

Now discuss some detailed analysis of the research about the process and final results. The research conducting authorities made three groups of 28 students from the university.

  • The first group of females consumes ibuprofen (200 mg) with placebo essential oil (25 drops) as one dose.
  • The second group of females gave thyme (Thymus vulgaris) essential oil (25 drops) with a placebo capsule as one dose.
  • The third group of females was given placebo essential oil (25 drops) with capsules of placebo as one dose.

Every group was advised to follow a simple rule which is to take their dose after every 6 hours of their first day of menses start. The main thing is to record the pain intensity before treatment starts. After one hour check the pain intensity and after 24 and 48 hours respectively. The other main thing is to record is their blood flow rate also.

How to calculate pain level:

For pain intensity calculation they use the best visual analog scale (VAS) to get the real-time rate of pain. In the group where thyme oil is present in the dose, the average pain rate goes from 6.57 to 1.21 after the treatment begins. While in the second menses cycle began this pain rate further goes down from 1.21 to 1.14.

In the group which contains ibuprofen in their dose, the pain rate goes down from 5.30 to 1.48 with the first menses cycle. In the second menses cycle, this pain rate rises a little bit around 1.68.

conclusion of the research:

The overall data amazed every researcher that thyme essential oil dose clearly decrease the level of pain rate in women during their second cycle. While ibuprofen containing dose treatment in women pain rate decreases in their first menses cycle and increase in the second menses cycle.


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